Our final day in Jerusalem provided three highlights that we won't soon forget. We began the day at the Garden Tomb. It was very peaceful (except for the workers with the jackhammer). It is very difficult to describe this place in words. There is a sense of the divine everywhere you look and everywhere you go. I was privileged to serve communion along with Rev. Morris before we went to the tomb. It was truly a humbling experience. The first picture is of the tomb itself and the photo alongside is of the gardens surrounding the tomb. It is truly a beautiful place.

The picture below is the place where Jesus was laid. On one hand it is a very sobering experience, but on the other hand you can't help but be joyful. The sign on the door says it all.

The second stop on our journey was to the top of the Mount of Olives. The view is absolutely stunning, and that is before you realize that this was the view Jesus had of the city during his triumphal entry. Halfway down the mountain is a chapel that had this very interesting view (second photo). At the bottom is the Garden of Gethsemane and a view of the Kidron Valley.

Our final stop was at the Wailing Wall. This is truly an overpowering place. The scale is massive.

The photo on the left is inside Wilson's Arch. This is the first manmade bridge ever constructed. It spans nearly 75 feet and the original street is about 20 below the floor you see here. Maybe sometime later I'll tell you all about it, but you might want to set a couple of hours aside for that. The photo on the right is the last picture we took on this wonderful adventure. It was taken for us by a Rabbi in front of the Book of the Scrolls. I can't think of a better place to have my picture taken with my son.

There are so many other pictures and memories to share. But let me say this, if you ever have a chance to go on a tour of the Holy Land, don't miss it!!!
Talk with you again soon,
1 comment:
John: I've loved reading about your trip to Isreal! I left you an award over at the HennHouse!
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