My moment today came when in the confusion of passing through Israeli customs, trying to locate our luggage, and making sure all our people were present and accounted for, I met a nice lady from our tour company. She was scurrying around trying to get us all together so we could board the bus, which in that environment is a little like herding cats. Her confidence and directness were only matched by her ability to give directions with the full assumption that everyone else would follow them. She excels at herding cats. I shook her hand and simply offered, "Shaloam," the typical Jewish greeting. Immediately, her demeanor and pace softened, and with a half smile, she warmly returned the shaloam to me. And that was the moment. Peace. In the midst of all the confusion, hustle, and scurrying about there was genuine peace.
We bused from Tel Aviv to our hotel in Tiberias, right on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Along the way we passed Nazareth at night. Thousands of lights dotting the hillside where Jesus grew up. And it was peaceful. Not long after, we curled around the base of Mount Tabor, the place of Jesus' transfiguration. Even in the dark we could see the outline of the mountain and imagine the cloud of glory that enveloped Jesus and his disciples (see Matthew 17). And it was peaceful. And now I sit in my hotel room overlooking the Sea of Galilee. The long journey is over and I am ready to rest my weary bones. And it is peaceful.
Looking out over the water, I can't help but think that this is where the boat started rocking. The storm unleashed its fury and the disciples panicked (I would too!). Jesus slept. He had shaloam - they didn't. And in their panic they woke the Shaloam, and true to his nature, he spoke the word, "Shaloam". And all was at peace.
In my moment at the airport - shaloam broke through the confusion. In the disciples moment in the boat - shaloam broke through the storm. Are you overwhelmed, scurrying about in a panic over things you cannot control. Then this moment is for you.
(P.S. - Sorry for not having pictures. It's not like the inside of an airplane is the most exciting thing in the world to see. However, I do promise some pictures tomorrow.)
Wait... so what day is it? Lol.
You passed by Nazareth! That is unbelievably beyond cool. Not even gonna lie.
I'm glad you're enjoying your stay so far. Pictures tomorrow!
Can't wait to see the photos of Israel. I can't even imagine looking at the same things, walking the same shores, and breathing the same air that Jesus did. So amazing.
This is a test.
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