Today God gave me a moment to learn more about what it means to learn how to harmoniously live together in community. My wife, Leah, goes to work early each morning. So, it is my responsibility to rouse the kids and get them awake enough to make it to the front door so I can push them out of the house for school (literally). The older kids do okay with this. They're teenagers who for the most part care about how they are dressed and that their teeth are brushed. They all head off to high school at the same time and the morning routine with this group is fairly consistent.
And then there's Jill...
She's 8 and gets on the bus 30 minutes after the other kids. Oh, and sometimes she can be a little difficult to get out of bed. Don't let the picture fool you. She can really be a crabby DRAMA QUEEN when she's not happy. Our routine for getting her awake and out of bed is never the same. I've discovered there are two basic ways this can be accomplished: crabby or happy (sappy, I know). So, if I want to start the day off on a good note I have to get creative with my approach. I have found that if I can get her laughing, then it will be a good day. If I can't, well.....
So, today I sang. Not just any singing. I sang every part of my conversation with her this morning in Broadway show tune style. It didn't rhyme, and it certainly didn't sound good. But it did get her laughing. And as she laughed (and eventually sang back at me) I laughed. And then I realized the significance of the moment. When we laugh together we draw closer together. Laughter has a way of bringing us together in community, enabling us to truly enjoy being in each other's presence. When we are angry or mean-spirited just the opposite happens - we push people away from us, and we lose that sense of community.
Jesus prayed, "I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." John 17:22-23, NIV
Why is it then that we often grow weary of silliness, pushing it out of our lives and labeling it childish and irresponsible? Sometimes it takes some bad Broadway style singing to help us live in community. The next time you laugh with someone, I hope you can sense God's pleasure as you become closer together. Even if it seems to be just a little bit silly.
John, I'm not sure that you would know who I am, but I have been following your blog! :) My parents sent me the link. I'm Cassie... daughter of Terry and Debi MacKay. My husband and I are praying for your upcoming trip!
I just wanted to acknowledge that this is incredibly true! I teach 9th graders and laughter is powerful! I have seen some amazing connections made through laughs. Thank you for sharing!
Hey John :-D I just wanted to say that I hope you have the most amazing time ever in Israel, cuz it's gonna be a blast, I'm sure. Enjoy yourself, and make sure to keep us updated :-D
What a wonderful story.
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