Monday, September 1, 2008

And So the Adventure Begins

I'm not sure why, but today seemed to go by faster than yesterday.  Lately I have been wrestling with the issue of time.  How much is left?  What do I do with what little time I've been given?  Sometimes these wrestling matches leave me tired and a little depressed.  Still, there are those moments when the referee pounds the mat and it seems as if the world makes sense.  I am beginning to see that these moments, every moment, matters.
As cliche'-ish as it may sound, this moment matters.  So I turn, with all the wisdom of a newborn babe, to this world of blogging to try and make sense of my world and to express the value of some of my "moments".  Fair warning - don't expect the won't be sophisticated or probably won't mean a whole lot of anything to anybody but me.  And that's okay.  
It will be quirky, maybe even a little non-sensical and often times downright strange.  Hopefully, it will be real and authentic, or at least as much as I am able.  Simply put, this is the journey, my journey, with God, viewed through the lense of this moment.  



HennHouse said...

Looking forward to following your journey.

Sam Barber said...


thanks for creating this blog so that we can experience your trip with you. praying for you as you requested.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing with us. Your comment on Peace yesterday meant a lot to me. Say hello to Joyce and Dave for me.

Anonymous said...

It was cool that Andrew called Spencer for a few moments. I hope it didn't cost $5,000. Cuz if it did....the whole shaloam thing won't be back for a long time. What a great expression of friendship! We are praying that you and Andrew will have many many more memories to share.

Anonymous said...

Nancy shared your blog with me...It is a treat that you share your adventure with us. Thanks, Genie Edwards